Welcome Message

Hola! Aprenda todo sobre la República Dominicana a través de este blog creado por el Magdalena, Buena y Pina. Hemos creado este proyecto para nuestros Españoles dos maestros señora Deen. Disfrute! ¡Adiós!

- Dont worry, our page is not all Spanish! :)


"History Knowledge" About the Dominican Republic

History: The Dominican Republic was originally founded in 1492 by Columbus on his first voyage. Columbus first named it La Española. The capital, Santo Domingo, was founded in 1496 and it is, to this day, the oldest European settlement in the Western Hemisphere. In 1822, Hatians took control of the country, but by 1844, they were conquered and thrown out. This was the year the Dominican Republic was formed. Democracy finally took place in 1962, and has continued since.

Government: Representative Democracy

Main Agriculture (Crops): Sugarcane, Cocoa, Rice, Pigs, Potatoes, Corn, Bananas, Beans, Tobacco, Cattle, Eggs, Cotton, Dairy Products

Independence Day: February 27


  1. The description of the place seems so beautiful.. i would definitely like to visit the beaches :)

  2. Its Number 1 - La Parrillada Steak House really sounds good and now I want steak really bad!:( Oh, and the beaches sound very queit and relaxing:)

  3. The scenery looks so beautiful I would really like so swim on the beaches there :)

  4. Mmmm, all the food is making me hungry. Bananas and cocoa and ri~ce, yumm.
